PCAAN advocates and advances academic research and artistic expressions on Palestine


The Palestinian-Canadian Academics and Artists Network (PCAAN) is a growing national and interdisciplinary network of Palestinian-Canadian academics and artists concerned with Palestine and Palestinians, including in relation to Canada and Turtle Island.

Our Mission

We help challenge anti-Palestinian racism in its various expressions. We provide Canadians a network through which they have access to Palestinian-Canadian academic and artistic voices, expertise, and opinions regarding past and current events related to Palestine.

Why We Do It

Palestinian Canadians are increasingly represented in the Canadian academic and  artistic landscape. At the same time, we are witnessing rising anti-Palestinian racism in Canadian academic and artistic circles. We believe it is our obligation to raise awareness of the realities of the Palestinian people.

What Is Anti-Palestinian Racism?

Anti-Palestinian racism entails the dehumanization and erasure of the Palestinian people. Anti-Palestinian racism can be implicit, overt, systemic and structural. It is perpetrated across Canadian society, including by political, intellectual, social and economic elites. Anti-Palestinian racism includes: denying that Palestinians are a people who belong to historic Palestine, devaluing Palestinian life, denying or excusing violence against the Palestinian people, pressuring institutions to exclude Palestinian perspectives, and stereotyping Palestinians and those who defend Palestinian rights as un-Canadian, anti-Semitic or supportive of violence.

Latest News & Articles

Joint Statement on Canadian Universities and Palestine

In light of the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel in relation to grave breaches of the Genocide Convention, we are writing to you on behalf of Faculty for Palestine Canada, the Jewish Faculty Network and the Palestinian-Canadian Academics and Artists Network to request that your university take urgent […]

بيان صادر عن شبكة الأكاديميين والفنانين الفلسطينيين الكنديين

الفلسطينيون باقون ولن يتم افناؤهم تعبر شبكة الأكاديميين والفنانين الفلسطينيين الكنديين عن استنكارها للتجاهل العارم للصدمة والحزن الذي يمر بهما المجتمع الكندي الفلسطيني في هذا الوقت الحرج. ان المؤسسات الرسمية الكندية قد تغافلت حق الشعب الفلسطيني في التحرر وتقرير المصير والانتماء الى الأرض كما هو منصوص عليه في قرارات الأمم المتحدة، وكما تم التأكيد على […]

“Si c’est la guerre” by Dyala Hamzah

Si c’est la guerre, M. Nétanyahou, la IVe Convention de Genève interdit à la puissance occupante que vous êtes, de transférer sa population dans le territoire occupé : 700 000 colons israéliens vivent pourtant aujourd’hui en Cisjordanie et à Jérusalem-Est, dans 279 colonies illégales en droit international. En toute impunité. Bien que pas un seul pays […]