“A Pandemic in an Age of Omnipresent Sovereign Power: The Plight of Palestine” by Mark Muhannad Ayyash


The essay focuses on three features of the COVID-19 pandemic in Palestine, each highlighting one of the interconnected dimensions of settler colonial sovereign power. First is the governance of life, where every aspect of Palestinian life is governed  through population lockdowns. Second is the control over death, where the infected Palestinian body is disposed and discarded away from the Israeli scene. Third is the rule across life and death, where the Palestinian body is marked for debilitation in order to restrict the resistance of the Palestinian body. The essay concludes with some remarks on Palestinian resistance.

Ayyash, Mark (2020). “A Pandemic in an Age of Omnipresent Sovereign Power: The Plight of Palestine.” TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 41: 123-131.